Last updated: Tuesday, October 22nd 2024

Testimonials found on have been sent to us by clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience. All results vary depending on the case and the situation at hand.

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I tried many spell casters and never got results

I came to this website because I wanted to be with my true love and because i really wanted to find a spell to put on my man so he will fall in love with me. I tried many spell casters and never got results. It was so sad and I lost so much valuable time by waiting for results. Then someone told me that Aisha can help and she really did. <3

B., NJ

The positive vibes don’t lie

This website certaintly gives me positive vibes and has helped me through a very difficult time. Thank you all for sharing.

I’ve just received results from a spell that Ms. Aisha cast for me. This was my third try with a spell caster and I am so relieved that I have finally found a real one. I tried to stay positive and put all my faith in Aisha but we all know how hard it is. We all know how it is not being able to be with the person you love.

I want to share the love and I want you all to know that this really works and that you can believe in Aisha and in the power of Amun Ra. They brought my lover’s heart back to me. I’m so happy that he is finally back with me and I’m sure that all of you reading this guest book for inspiration will soon get your wishes fulfilled.

I want to thank all of you for writing these inspirational stories, they helped me through a very difficult time. I want to thank Aisha and Miriam (they are really good people) for being patient with me. I want to thank Amun Ra and the realm of spirituality that my wish was accepted and fulfilled.

Love you :)))

I am very pleased with the results

I purchased the weightloss and success in studies talismans in November, and am REALLY pleased with the results. I have lost 20 lbs effortlessly, and continue to loose weight (I am almost to my ideal goal weight). I have more energy and do not get the “munchies” or crave “bad” foods when I used to. I walk more, go to the gym more and have found it easier to be healthy, where I used to struggle. In school, I found I am much more focused and passionate, my grades became better and I was more excited about school in general. I find that I am increasingly more able to do things I didn’t know how to do before and I am working more efficiently (I can use new computer programs, am quicker at coming up with ideas, etc) I am also doing better on exams. I am very pleased with the results, and will use Aisha’s services again.


I know you will help me

Hello Aisha,

I read so many reviews and i am so glad that I came cross your website. I know you can help me on my case as well. I’ve already placed an order and submitted the materials. I am very excited to see what u can do for me.

I am already feeling much better because I know that you can help me.


It will work for you

I contacted ms. Aisha a year ago, first I ordered the luck / success talisman, was not sure if it was going to work, but it did, it is very subtle, it’s little things here and there, I always seem to have just enough for what I really need. and I’m very grateful for that. Then I ordered a PRC spell, nothing happened at first for almost 2 weeks, then there were some results that started to take place very slowly over the next 2 months!! talk about being patient! I was dying there, but slowly they were happenings. Then everything came into place in one shot, like overnight everything worked out. I’m not trying to discourage you, different cases get different results, some are faster than others. I know it must be very hard, believe me I know what I’m talking about!! but hang in there, when it is the right time, it will start to happen, Ms. Aisha and Miriam are wonderful souls, please have pure intentions, and love in your heart, love yourself, and ask for love in return, you will get it, it will be from the ones you love with all your heart.

Strong Blessings

Hello Aisha! Just want to say that I find your site very interesting for me. Usefull information and you are one of the few that writes the truth about the realm. I’ve been a practitioner for many decades but only work in the underground. Thank you for your work. I’ve received a blessing spell from you that was the strongest I’ve ever experienced. I will get another one soon. It is my pleasure to have met you. I will visit your site more ofter from now on. K-D-III

I have never felt anything like this

Dear Aisha and Dear Visitors,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Aisha, you are so wonderful and so powerfull! I started seeing results recently: I received two fantastic job opportunities, which I would never had dreamed for!

I expect more results and I have faith that good things will follow. I have never felt anything like this. This is true spiritual work. Indescribable, you have to experience it.

Like I had to tell to my self so many times: Be patient and positive! And then I see the strongest light I’ve ever seen.

All the best for 2013 and a merry chrismas to you all!

Claire, WY

No doubt that Magic is real

I am waiting to order from Aisha but I have no doubt that she is real. Just reading her website cements that she can help people in my mind. I am going to embrace every part of my journey with her. I will be sure to update when the spell has been cast and I recieve results.


We all will get help here

I just read this page and i am astonished and surprised. Unfortunately, i stopped a relationship some weeks before, and i don’t want to go back, cause i tried voodoo for 2 years and it didn’t fit at all… so i am at a new borderline now and my spititual feelings are stronger also. This means for me, that i should do some more in this white magic direction. So I came  on this site and think it’s a great opportunity to be helped by someone, which can help to move forward. I’ve heard so many grand things about Aisha from other spiritualists that i know i am in good hand. I understand the pain of stopping a relationship. May the force be with you !!! We all will get help here. Greez from switzerland. Beat

I had a hard case

You can really trust Lady Aisha. She was just able to fix my complicated problems with my ex, whom I love and care and has caused problems to my life in general. This was a very hard case and because I did not have a lot of money I could only do the power ritual combo, it worked. These entries gave hope and helped me to stay positive through this difficult situation. Thank you Aisha, thank you all. I am not good at writing, please know that I am thankful and recommend Aisha to anyone that needs help. She is honest and good.

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