Even though you may be aware of the fact that Horus is one of the most well-known deities in ancient Egypt, you may be surprised by a few of his features. This includes some of the ways Horus was worked with in ancient times as well as the range of meanings assigned to him. Needless to say, anyone familiar with the basic myths surrounding Horus will be amazed at the clever way the Egyptians connected his story to the wheels of life and death and even the progression of lineage from one pharaoh to another.
General Description of Horus
Typically, Horus was symbolized by the falcon. In some earlier texts, he was also referred to as hawk. He was also frequently depicted in the form of a man with a falcon’s head. Depending on the period of time, Horus is often referred to as the son of Isis or Hathor.
It is important to note that the pharaoh literally became the reincarnation of Horus. When the pharaoh died, he became the incarnation of Osiris. Since the pharaoh was often seen as the embodiment of protection or “Great House”, one must wonder if these leaders actively allowed themselves to be possessed by Horus, or perhaps worked with him in a more shamanistic fashion.
Clearly, the specific connections between Horus and the pharaoh can make us all wonder about this and other links to both African, Germanic, and Siberian spiritual traditions.
Importance of Horus Outside of Ancient Egypt
Overall, Horus was very popular throughout time in dynastic Egypt and was fairly well known in Greece. He may also have been fairly well known among Greek and Egyptian settlers in Sicily. Unfortunately, if Horus formed the basis of secret workings in other parts of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, we may never know about them, let alone how they survived the scourge of Christianity. It should also be noted that some speculate Horus formed the basis for some stories about Jesus. Historians are inclined to disagree with this hypothesis since Horus’s origin and life path was very different.
Why Horus is Important Today
Chances are, if you are looking at historical magical workings, you may constantly feel like something is missing. Since deities often embody certain features that enable them to transmit certain vibrations of energy, Horus may just represent an important key. Even though other deities may have similar features and functions, Horus remains one of the oldest and most revered deities of all time. From that perspective, working with him may help you understand specific energy patterns better, or work more effectively with various spells.
Working With Horus in Rituals and Magic
In ancient times, Horus was known as a sun god as well as protection and warfare. You may want to invoke him if you feel endangered, or if you have family members that need help. Depending on your interests, you can easily ask for advice, or find out if you can journey with him in the spiritual dimensions. Because there is an implication of possession in some of the ancient texts, you should take precautions while working with this deity. At the very least, make sure that you have access to competent advice and training from an Egyptian priest or priestess, or some other tradition that knows how to deal with these spiritual events in a constructive and useful way.
The Power of Horus Ritual
If you are new to the spiritual realm, and you wish to utilize the mighty powers of Horus, you may want to order the Power of Horus Ritual. It is one of the most powerful rituals available to mankind and can be customized to your exact needs and wishes.
A Look at History
Across time, we have been told that Horus is a being of light and goodness. On the other side of the coin, those who have been raised to be suspicious of anything resembling possession may be surprised at some of the descriptions of Horus and his interactions with the Egyptian people. At the very least, if you are aware of this potential, you can do some additional research and prepare to expand your horizons so that you can obtain positive and uplifting results from your interactions with this deity.
Also called Hor, Heru, and Her. Horus is a legendary falcon-headed god of ancient Egypt. Horus is also probably one of the most important and highly revered gods of the entire Egyptian kingdom; early Egyptians believed that the mighty pharaohs represented the earthly form of the god Horus.
The entire history of Egypt is replete with incidences of great kings and pharaohs, taking the name of Horus as one of their own names. The close of connection of powerful pharaohs with the other god Re made Horus closely related to Re as well!
Horus is supposed to be the son of Osiris and available texts show that there are more than fifteen significant forms of Horus, whose presence stretched across to more than twenty generations.
There are two special and distinctive forms of Horus:
Solar and Osirian
- If Horus happens to be the son of Osiris, then he belongs to the Osirian lineage.
- If Horus is not the son of Osiris, then he belongs to the group of solar lineage.
By his childhood, Horus was Harpokrates or “the infant Horus”; available images show that the gods Isis tending the baby form of Horus. Historians also agree to the fact that Horus stunted from the waist down, which was probably due to the demise of a father either just before the birth or during the labor. Young Horus symbolized youth and freshness by wearing a royal crown and uraeus; there are inscriptions that show that Horus standing on crocodiles and holding scorpions and snakes in both hands.
Other forms of Horus are:
- Harmakhis: Here, Horus portrayed himself as the rising sun and personified the resurrection or eternity. The best example is that of the Great Sphinx at the Giza Plateau.
- Haroeris: An early form of Horus, Haroeris is the Horus, the elder; with a great level of importance attached to his personality, he was the premium king of Upper Egypt. Historians also presume that he is either the son or the husband of Hathor. He was also the brother to Osiris and Seth. Horus, the elder also conquered Seth (the king and patron of Lower Egypt) sometimes during 3000 BC. Horus, the elder was a powerful god with a pronounced falcon-head accentuated with the crowns of both the Upper and Lower Egypt. He gave birth to four sons namely, Duamutef, Imsety, Hapi, and Qebehsenuef, who represented the domain of creation and rebirth.
- Horus Behdety: People living on the edge of the western delta at Behdet revered Horus the elder, with their life and soul. He was the chief defender and protector of Re during his primary and earthly kingship against Seth. He is also a fiery falcon that always flew over the pharaoh during wars and battles.
Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in the Ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists…”
Quote Source: Wikipedia
The Powers of Horus
Horus was considered and still is, to be the patron god of Egypt. As god of the sky and of all that the sky contained, Horus ruled the sun, the moon, and the stars. While there have been different forms of Horus during his time of reign and power in Egypt, he continues to be a forceful deity in many magic spell workings. As the son of Isis and Osiris, Horus’ importance in magic is hard to refute.
Horus – The Falcon
The earliest form of Horus was the falcon god, a god who hunted and flew through the skies. The patron deity in Upper Egypt, this form of Horus was thought to be a relative of the king. In those days, the king was thought to be the physical manifestation of the god while they were alive, but then the king would become a manifestation of Osiris after they died.
God of War
Fighting and bringing the force into a magic spell is one of the ways the powers of Horus can be used today. His aggressive nature allows those using magic to be powerful in their intention. Though the idea of war is one that seems to be negative in today’s world, the force Horus uses allows magic to be pushed into reality and into being.
Protection of Horus
Horus is also associated with being a god of protection, one who looks over those who worship him. With his eye, Horus is able to see what needs to be done and then do it quickly and effectively. In other accounts, Horus has been seen as a child of salvation, the one who is illuminated and who can help to illuminate others. Using this energy in a magic spell allows a person to find their way, no matter what the question or problem may be.
Horus Correspondences
- Sacred Animals: Falcon, Hawk, Peacock
- Element: Fire
- Metal: Brass, Gold
- Planets: Moon, Sun
- Zodiac: Taurus
- Plants: Iris, Lotus, Olive, Acacia,
- Offerings for Horus: Raw meat for hawks and falcons
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