Also known as Khnemu, he is the oldest gods of Egypt. He was the ram-headed man with a symbol of flat shaped ram horn.

He also wore a whitish colored crown over his head.

Originally, a water god of the River Nile, Khnum wore a water jug with water overflowing over his outstretched hands.

He also adorned a white crown on his head to display his ultimate strength.

Legends tell us that he created an egg from which the great sun took its birth. Ptah is the material universe of erstwhile Egypt and Khnum is solely responsible for this universe; Thoth was the efficient teacher, who was responsible for the creation of Ptah. Khnum was also an accomplished architecture and a seasoned engineer:

  • Khnemu Nehep is the “Khnemu, the great Creator”
  • Khnemu Khenti-taui is the “Khnemu, able governor of the two lands”
  • Khnemu Sekhet ashsep-f is the “Khnemu, an experienced weaver of his light”
  • Khnemu Khenti per-ankh is the “Khnemu, honorable governor of the House of Life”
  • Khnemu Neb-ta-ankhtet is the “Khnemu, great lord of the Land of Life”
  • Khnemu Khenti netchemtchem ankhet is the “Khnemu respected Governor of the House of Sweet Life”
  • Khnemu Neb, “Khnemu is the aristocratic Lord”

Khnemu is the most famed god of Entire Egypt, stretching from Thebes to Philae


In Egyptian mythology, Khnum (also spelled Chnum, Knum, or Khnemu) was one of the earliest Egyptian deities, originally the god of the source of the Nile River. Since the annual flooding of the Nile brought with it silt and clay, and its water brought life to its surroundings, he was thought to be the creator of the bodies of human children, which he made at a potter’s wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers’ wombs….”

Quote Source: Wikipedia

Credit: Image “Khnum” by Jeff Dahl – Own work. Licensed under GFDL via Wikimedia Commons

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