
Materials, Plants and Tools used in Heka and Egyptian Magic
Egyptian magic is never complete without those essential plants, tools, and biological materials. Egyptian magic or heka has a close association with hundreds of plants and biological materials. Nature exerted a profound influence on every aspect of Egyptian daily...

Spell Casting in Egyptian Magic and Heka
Right through the ancient Egyptian history, an essential focus of magical ritual activities focused on developing a set of effective magical spell casting procedures to protect one or to bring misery to others. In a book called Book "Overthrowing Apep", the most...

Ancient Spells for Prosperity, Protection and Health
Egyptian magic is the most ancient way to heal one’s body and provide prosperity in life. Egyptian health and prosperity spells are the most ingenious ways, by which one could gain better health and prosperity. Egyptian magical spells and medicines go hand in had as...

Benefits of Egyptian Witchcraft and Magic
Using Egyptian pharaonic magic provided a number of benefits and advantages to both the royalty as well as the ordinary people. Just like any other ancient civilizations, Egypt sternly believed in practicing magic and controlling all those invisible forces that...

Ancient Egyptian Calendar
The star studded night in the Egyptian sky will not only impress millions of tourists and visitors, it will also provide a unique vista of how ancient Egyptians used their wonderful skills and knowledge of astronomy and astrology to precisely create a calendar that...

Introduction to Pharaonic Magic
Understanding Egyptian magic is very complex and tedious, as it is a product of thousands of years of intense research and practical details, perfected by men of religion and magic. Egyptian magic is an amazing topic for study and research, when you look at the number...

The History of Ancient Egyptian Magic
Ancient Egypt provides us a treasure trove of religious, social, engineering and health related literature unsurpassed anywhere in the world. The Grand Old Library of Alexandria was one big facility that was the largest source of literary information and scholarly...

What is White Magic?
White magic can broadly be defined as any kind of magic that is not used malevolently, and white magic spells have no malevolent connotations behind them as they are used to either benefit the caster or benefit another person of the caster’s choosing. White magic that...

What is Black Magic?
Those two words alone would cause many people to either giggle or shudder, depending on how far their belief in the occult stretches. Black magic is a term that almost everyone is familiar with, and, whatever their view is and whether they believe in it or not,...

Why Biological Materials and Talismans are essential in real magic spells
A combination of Body, Mind, and Spirit is the only way a spell can actually come to fruition. You must be invested in your spell. This is the main reason why you are asked to send me your biological samples, such as hairs, nail clippings, tears, and so on. In the...